We accept the following payment methods

By Mail

Mail a crossed cheque payable to "Webnix Technology Limited" with the lower portion of the billing statement to Room 802, Koon Fook Centre, No. 9 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

支票須劃線﹐並抬頭「Webnix Technology Limited」 或 「網訊科技有限公司」, 請沿虛線撕下便條 ,並連同支票郵寄至
「香港九龍尖沙咀諾士佛台九號冠福中心 802室」

Bank Transfer

You may pay by bank transfer to the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) a/c# 593-300858-838.
Fax bank receipt to us at Fax: (852) 2729-7751 or Take a receipt phone and email us.

將款項直接存入香港上海匯豐銀行 (HSBC) 戶口編號# 593-300858-838 , 存款後需把銀行 收據傳真到 (852) 2729-7751 或 影下收據相電郵至本公司 billing@webnix.com

FPS 轉數快

Transfer payment to our HSBC account though FPS (Email Account: billing@webnix.com) by using your mobile bank apps and email us the payment details.

 將款項由客戶銀行手機 Apps 直接經「轉數快」, 存入本公司HSBC 戶口 (收款戶口請用電郵地址: billing@webnix.com) ,存款後請電郵通知本公司

Reference Site: Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Faster Payment System


Transfer the payment by using HSBC PayMe mobile apps. You can contact our billing department at billing@webnix.com to get the QR Code for payment transfer.

將款項由HSBC PayMe 客戶銀行手機 Apps 直接存入本公司HSBC戶口 ,客戶請先電郵地址致 billing@webnix.com 取得 QR Code ,存款後請電郵通知本公司

Reference Site: HSBC PayMe

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